High-pressure homogenizers are classified according to different forms

A high-pressure homogenizer is a common experimental instrument, mainly used in applications such as cell disruption, dispersion, emulsification, and high-pressure chemical reactions. According to their different forms and working principles, high-pressure homogenizers can be divided into the following categories: high-pressure homogenizers, ultrasonic homogenizers, high-pressure gas homogenizers, and high-pressure liquid homogenizers.

High-pressure homogenizer:
A high-pressure homogenizer is a device that quickly passes a sample through a micron homogenization valve through mechanical force. Its basic principle is to quickly press the sample from a high-pressure area into a low-pressure area to generate strong shear force and impact force, so as to realize the crushing and homogenization of the sample. High-pressure homogenizers are commonly used in areas such as cell disruption, DNA and protein extraction, and nanoparticle preparation.

Ultrasonic homogenizer:
Ultrasonic homogenizer uses high-frequency ultrasonic mechanical vibration to achieve sample crushing and homogenization. Ultrasonic vibrations generate high-intensity shear and pressure waves that break cells and disperse solid particles in samples. Ultrasonic homogenizers are widely used in the fields of biology, chemistry, food and pharmaceuticals, such as cell disruption, suspension cell separation and emulsification, etc.

High-pressure gas homogenizer:
High-pressure gas homogenizer utilizes high-speed gas flow to homogenize and disperse samples. It mainly uses compressed gas, such as nitrogen or air, to eject the sample through a fine nozzle, thereby generating high-speed airflow to impact and break the sample. High-pressure gas homogenizers are usually used for rapid dispersion of suspended substances and efficient emulsification of liquids, such as particle dispersion, colloidal emulsification, and cream emulsification, etc.

High-pressure liquid homogenizer:
The high-pressure liquid homogenizer passes the sample through a very small homogenizing valve and passes through the homogenizing valve with high pressure, and quickly and repeatedly transmits the sample to high pressure, generating high pressure and shear force to make the sample instantaneous Homogenized and crushed. High-pressure liquid homogenizers are often used in nanoparticle preparation, cell homogenization and dispersion, emulsified liquids, etc.

According to different forms of classification, high pressure homogenizers have a wide range of applications in biology, chemistry, food industry, pharmaceutical industry and other fields. Through the reasonable selection of homogenizer and the adjustment of operating parameters, efficient crushing, dispersion and emulsification of samples can be realized, which provides an important foundation and premise for the smooth progress of subsequent experiments. In summary, high-pressure homogenizers can be divided into high-pressure homogenizers, ultrasonic homogenizers, high-pressure gas homogenizers and high-pressure liquid homogenizers according to different forms.

These different forms of high-pressure homogenizers have their own characteristics and have a wide range of applications. In the experiment, it is very important to choose a suitable high-pressure homogenizer according to the characteristics of the sample and the desired processing effect.

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Post time: Sep-06-2023